Easter Hug
at Cristo

On the most emblematic Easter Sunday of the last decades, as a request by Edu Guedes, director of marketing at Estácio de Sá College, LEVE and Agência Novo Traço gave an unforgettable hug to all the health professionals who work on the front lines fighting Covid-19. A concert full of projections with a powerful musical soundtrack, “dressed” the Cristo Redentor with a medical coat, and for fifteen minutes exhibited photos and videos of health professionals with “thank you” messages. 195 flags were also designed with the word Hope in all languages. The action was broadcasted live over the internet and had an immense repercussion not only in Brazil, but in several newspapers and TVs worldwide. The “Easter Hug at Cristo” was part of the Formou Esperança movement conceived by the Estácio de Sá College and collected donations for various institutions that support vulnerable families during the pandemic.
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